Maui Wildflower Summer Honey – 3 oz


This organic, raw Upcountry Maui honey is produced by the bees from a variety of floral sources thru the winter months. The apiaries are located on the slopes of Haleakela and is farm produced and processed with special care.

Winter honey is made from nectar that is gathered by the bees over the Winter months of November, December, January, February, and March and extracted in April or May depending on the season.

Raw organic honey from Maui is a very special treat and one not soon forgotten.

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This organic, raw Upcountry Maui honey is produced by the bees from a variety of floral sources thru the summer months. The apiaries are located on the slopes of Haleakela and is farm produced and processed with special care.

Summer honey is made from nectar that is gathered by the bees over the summer months of May, June, July August, September and October and extracted in November.

Raw organic honey from Maui is a very special treat and one not soon forgotten.

Nt. Wt. 3 Oz. (85 g)